Cycle Retreats – COVID-19 Ready

Cycle Retreats – COVID-19 Ready

COVID-19 Ready

We wanted to let you know that we are now ready to bring our wonderful Cycle Retreats Family to the new home and we are ready to protect you against COVID-19. In Spain the guidelines are different to that in UK, so to give you a clear understanding, here is what we are doing and how you can help us to ensure we protect ourselves, our families and communities. 

We are very lucky here in the mountains as we have had no reported cases in our village and very few in surroundings, at time of writing this we have had no cases for over 2 weeks. We are no longer in the state of alarm, however we want to offer you our assurances that we are protecting you. 

What you need you to do!

If you feel unwell or have any COVID-19 systems before flying, please do not risk it! Stay safe and stay at home.

  • At the airport collection we ask that you keep your masks on it is also a legal requirement to wear masks in the airport and outside 
  • Please place your own bags in the minibus
  • Before entering the minibus, we will ask you to use the hand sanitizer that we provide.
  • Masks must be worn in the minibus
  • Upon arrival at Cycle Retreats you can remove your masks as we have plenty of space for social distancing.
  • When entering the villa please hand sanitizer and shoe sanitize, Zoe will show you where.
  • We ask that you take your own bags to your rooms
  • Please take the travel hand sanitizer out with you (this will be provided for you in your welcome baskets) and on leaving café stops please sanitize and then again when arriving back at Cycle Retreats before entering the Villa.
  • If you feel unwell at any time or show symptoms, then please speak to Zoe in the first instance and remain in your room.
  • On leaving the villa for the return airport transfer please follow the arrival instructions. 

What we need to do! 

Before you arrive, the villa will have been stripped, cleaned and sanitized. If any of the Cycle Retreats Team feel ill or show COVID-19 symptoms, then they will not be present during your stay.

  • Food will be served outside as much as possible.
  • All cutlery, serving wear and dinner sets will go through a high temperature dishwasher cycle. 
  • Before preparing food, kitchen staff will put on clothes that have been washed on a high temperature wash and changed daily.
  • Hands will be sanitized before preparing food, before serving food and after each course is collected.
  • You can expect the normal high standard of cleanliness at Cycle Retreats, and we will sanitize before entering your rooms to clean and towels will be changed daily. 
  • Kit will be washed as normal and hands sanitized before replacing back into bedrooms

We might not be able to give you the normal big hugs, but I am sure we are still going to have a wonderful time and can share in our love of cycling and food.